

Pembroke, Jim

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After emigrating to Finland in 1965, Jim Pembroke became a fixture of the Finnish progressive scene with Blues Section and then Wigwam, and his own underrated solo career.

Founded: 1946

Location: London, England

Website: Wigwam - Nuclear Netclub

Pohjola, Pekka

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Bassist for Wigwam, his solo albums showcase his compositional skills. Worked with Mike Oldfield.

Founded: 1952

Location: Helsinki, Finland

Tasavallan Presidentti

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Founded by guitarist Jukka Tolonen and drummer Vesa Aaltonen, and Frank Robson and Mans Groundstroem from Blues Section in 1969, their early albums bear some Colosseum, Traffic or Jethro Tull due to the strong English vocals of Robson, but the addition of vocalist Eero Raittinen in 1972 turned the band towards a more original direction, evidenced on the classic Lambertland. Their final album, Milky Way Moses, saw release in the US on Janus Records.

Founded: 1969

Location: Finland

Tolonen, Jukka

Finnish guitarist and founder of Tasavallan Presidentti

Founded: 1952

Location: Helsinki, Finland


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Finland's world-class progressive rock band featured Englishman Jim Pembroke. Wigwam eventually signed to Virgin Records.

Founded: 1968

Location: Helsinki, Finland

Website: Wigwam - Nuclear Netclub